See the Install Package section for instructions on how to install a package in your Dart and Flutter app.
All packages in this matrix can be used in the Dart and Flutter apps.
Name | pub.dev | Description |
at_identifier | Provide standard validation for identifier supported by AT Protocol to Dart/Flutter. | |
nsid | Provide standard NSID object supported by AT Protocol to Dart/Flutter. | |
at_uri | Provide standard uri supported by AT Protocol to Dart/Flutter. | |
xrpc | Provide an HTTP client specialized for XRPC communication in AT Protocol. | |
multiformats | Provide useful interfaces such a CID used by AT Protocol to Dart/Flutter. | |
atproto_core | Provide core reusable and useful functionality for wrapping AT Protocol and related services. | |
did_plc | Support for DID PLC Directory endpoints used by atproto and other services. | |
atproto | Provide the easiest and powerful way to use com.atproto lexicons in Dart/Flutter. | |
bluesky | Provide the easiest and powerful way to use app.bsky lexicons in Dart/Flutter. | |
bluesky_text | Provides the easiest and most powerful way to analyze the text on Bluesky Social. |
Flutter Only
All packages in this matrix can be used only in Flutter apps.
Name | pub.dev | Description |
bluesky_cards | Provide a widget to output Bluesky Social's post content beautifully in Flutter app. |
Name | pub.dev | Description |
bluesky_cli | CLI tool to easily use Bluesky Social's APIs from the command line. |
GitHub Actions
Name | Marketplace | Description |
bluesky_post | Use this action to send a post to Bluesky Social from GitHub actions workflow. |
Dependency Graph
The packages developed in atproto.dart are very well divided according to the responsibilities they are responsible for, and each package can work universally on its own. In other words, the packages developed in atproto.dart have a layer-by-layer hierarchy.
The following graph shows the dependencies of the packages developed in atproto.dart in a top-down format.
The solid black lines are relationships that are set in the dependency section in pubspec.yaml
, and the dashed black lines are compatible package relationships that are not directly set as dependencies.